10 products

Mini Skid Steer Grapples

Blue Diamond Comparison of the types of Grapples

To get the most out of your mini skid steer, you should consider adding a grapple to your line of <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/pages/mini-skid-steer-attachments" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">attachments</a>.
A <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/blogs/news/learn-about-mini-skid-steer-grapples" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">good mini skid steer grapple</a> makes clearing land and demolition sites much easier. Moving a pile of brush for example won’t work well with just a bucket. Some loads need to be hydraulically grabbed and held onto in order to transport.
Mini skid steer grapples come with either single clamp or dual clamp configurations. Each clamp will have its own independent cylinder.
Although dual clamps are often more expensive, it allows for uneven loads to be carried. Single clamp grapples are often acceptable for loads that are even and balanced, such as brush and manure.
The type of bucket or rake used with your grapple is another important consideration. Rake and root grapples will be able to clear land and brush easily, while a regular general purpose bucket may not be able to rip up roots and debris as easily.