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skidsteer snowplow

Four-Way and Six-Way Skid Steer Snow Plows

Four-way and six-way snow plows refer to how many directions the plow is hydraulically adjustable. A four-way blade can be tilted naturally from top to bottom with the loader arms but also use hydraulic cylinders to angle the blade horizontally.

A six-way snow plow can do all of the above, as well as tilt in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction when viewed from the front of the skid steer. Note that you will often need an external electrical harness to operate a six-way snow plow.
If you are only using your snow plow to <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/collections/winter-skid-steer-attachments" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">clear snow</a>, the four-way blade is all you need. If you plan to use your snow plow for grading and earthmoving in the summer, you might consider a 6-way snow plow.
<h3 style="color:#ffffff">Snow Plow Blade Widths</h3>
It's not all about size; it's also about angled width! When comparing snow plows, the overall width of the blade is normally advertised, but this only tells half the story. When operating a <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/collections/skid-steer-dozer-blade" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">dozer blade</a>, you'll often have the blade angled so the snow is pushed to the side of the skid steer rather than out in front.
For example, a 7-foot-wide snow plow might have an angled width of 6 feet. You'll want to ensure the 6-foot angled width will cover the width of your skid steer.

cat skid steer with a snow plow

<h3 style="color:#ffffff">Trip Springs - Protect Your Snow Plow</h3>
Trip springs are an important feature when clearing snow. The chances of encountering hidden obstacles, such as curbs while clearing snow, is high, and trip springs are used to allow the blade to "trip forward" to help prevent damage to the cutting edge and moldboard.
If you are using your snow plow in the summer for grading, the trip springs can be removed and replaced with stainless steel pins from the manufacturer. This will allow the blade to dig into the earth and move tons of dirt.
<h3 style="color:#ffffff">Height Extensions - Work In the Deepest Snow</h3>
A height extension easily bolts to the top of your skid steer snow plow and will normally add 8 inches to the top of the plow. When moving quickly and clearing deep snow, the height extension will help keep snow from piling up over the blade.
<h3 style="color:#ffffff">Cushion Valves - Plow With Confidence</h3>
Cushion valves are an option from the manufacturer on larger skid steer snowplows. A cushion valve is a hydraulic component that helps prevent damage to the skid steer and snow plow hydraulics if you were to hit a solid object while plowing.
<h3 style="color:#ffffff">Cutting Edges - Rubber & Poly Available</h3>
Skid steer snowplows will often have a bolt-on cutting edge that is easily replaceable between seasons. Poly and rubber edges are available and help prevent damage to the pavement when plowing snow.

In Summary - What Skid Steer Snow Plow Is Right For Me?


<h3>Skid Steer Considerations</h3>
<b>~Ensure that your skid steer has auxiliary hydraulics to operate the four-way or six-way hydraulic function.
~Ensure your skid steer has an external electrical connection if you are considering a six-way snow plow.

snowplow for skid steer with blank background

<h3>Snow Plow Considerations</h3>
<b>~Pick a snow plow that covers the width of your skid steer when it's fully angled.
~Consider a six-way snow plow if you'll be using the plow in the summer for grading jobs.
~Ensure your snow plow has trip springs to prevent damage if you hit a curb or other solid object.
~A height extension may be useful if you're often working in deep snow.</b>

Financing Skid Steer Snowplows

Investing in your skid steer business

By spreading out the cost of your purchase over time, you can free up your cash flow for other business expenses. Our financing options are designed to be flexible and affordable, so you can find a plan that works for your budget. Plus, financing with us can help you build your credit score and establish a positive payment history.
Don't let the upfront cost of a snow plow hold you back from keeping your business running smoothly during the winter months - finance your purchase with us today!