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Trencher attachment of Mclaren Industries

How Does a Skid Steer Trencher Attachment Work?

A skid steer <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/collections/mini-skid-steer-trencher" target="_blank" title="mini skid steer trencher" rel="noopener noreferrer">trencher</a> attachment uses your skid steers auxiliary hydraulic system to turn a long chain assembly. Trencher chains hold specially designed teeth that dig up the earth leaving a clean trench behind.
A skid steer trencher attachment can be used even under the worst ground conditions. Chain configurations can be set up to cut through rock and frozen ground.
The teeth on the trenchers chain cut and pull the dirt out of the earth, forming a trench. Trenchers will have a boom on on top of the trencher chain assembly with a scoop on the end of it. This is called the “crumber”. The crumbers job is to pull loose material forward into the chain so it can be lifted out of the trench.
Once the earth is on the surface, it is met with a horizontal auger which drives the residual dirt away from the trench.

Let’s look at each item individually. <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/blogs/news/how-to-run-a-trencher" target="_blank" title="How to run a trencher" rel="noopener noreferrer">(Click here to learn how to run a trencher)</a>

Trencher attachment ready to work by Mclaren Industries

Skid Steer Trencher Chain and Trench Depth

The chain on your trencher is doing the digging and heavy lifting and therefore should be one of your first considerations when choosing a skid steer trencher.
When considering chain options for your attachment, you have to consider both the capabilities of the host machine, as well as the depth and width of the trench you are creating.
Starting with the trencher boom, most skid steer trenchers come in 36” or 48” lengths. Be sure to select a trencher with a boom length that is long enough to reach your required depth.
Trencher attachments chains can be purchased in different widths as well. Several inches wide up to a foot are common for skid steer trenchers. 6” and 8” wide chains are most common, but be sure to buy the correct size for the trench width and depth you are needing.
As for the host machine, it is important to be sure your skid steer has the auxiliary hydraulic power necessary to efficiently operate your skid steer trencher. Larger trenchers need more power. For example, Blue Diamonds 48” trenchers require 16-30GPM while their 36” trenchers require 13-25 GPM.
Also, proper tension on the trencher chain will ensure the longest service life of your equipment.

What Kind Of Trencher Teeth Do I Need?

Parts of the trencher attachment

Because some of us need to trench in looser soil, while others need to trench through rock and frost, trenchers can be purchased with different combinations of teeth.
For loose dirt, a high quality cupped tooth works best. It allows the trencher to take a larger bite of earth with each rotation. The cupped tooth clears the trench most efficiently. This would be referred to as a “dirt chain”.
In order to cut though hard earth such as rock and frost however, a more aggressive tooth is required. This is where a high quality rock tooth auger works best. The teeth look like bullets and are made of harder material than a dirt tooth, to cut through the earth.
The drawback to the dirt chain is that it can’t cut through hard material, while the drawback to the rock tooth is that it can’t clear the trench or pull up loose material.
This is where the combo chain comes in. A combo chain is a mix of both rock and earth teeth on the same chain. Most of our customers prefer the combo chain set up, unless they know for sure they are only using the trencher for a very specific purpose.
Talk to your dealer to ensure you match the right equipment to your needs.

What does the auger do on my skid steer trencher?

Trencher cubber attachment for sale

The auger is the last step in the skid steer trencher attachments process. After the earth is lifted out of the trench, the horizontal auger moves the dirt away from the trench, preventing it from falling back in.
The chain assembly feeds the removed earth into the moving auger flight. The flight then moves the earth off to the side away from the trench.
This is an important step. You don’t want your newly dug trench to fill up with earth right away.
<h2><center>Why do I need a crumber on my skid steer auger?</center></h2>
The crumber on your skid steer trencher is designed to ensure you have a clean and uniform trench.
Sitting on a boom in front of the chain assembly, the crumber scoops the loose earth into the chain, so it can be lifted out of the trench. It effectively removes loose dirt that would otherwise be left behind by the trencher.

Do I Need a High Flow Skid Steer To Run a Trencher Attachment?

Blue Diamond trencher attachment for skid steers by blue diamond

When it comes to skid steers, one size does not necessarily fit all. While many skid steer attachments require a high flow machine in order to operate properly, that is not the case with a skid steer trencher.
A skid steer trencher attachment can be used with a standard flow skid steer, as long as the equipment has enough power to drive the auger. In fact, a skid steer trencher can be used with almost all skid steer models, making it a versatile piece of equipment for any construction site.
<h2><center>How Can We Help Ensure You get The Trencher Attachment?</center></h2>
We offer the best dealer support and services for customers looking for trencher attachments. We carry trencher models to fit your equipment, ground conditions and construction site needs.
Whether you're looking for a compact trencher attachment for your Bobcat or any other brand of skid steer, we have just what you need. And with our excellent customer service, we'll be sure to match the right skid steer trencher attachment for your needs.
Give us a call today. Our team would be happy to answer all of your questions. 1-866-990-SKID