5 products

John Deere skid steer pulling trees using the Tree Puller attachment from Berlon

Skid Steer Tree Puller

Here is an impressive attachment you don’t get to see everyday! Skid steer tree pullers are a powerful tool for arborists, farmers, landscapers and anyone looking to remove or relocate trees with their skid steer without using a <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/collections/skid-steer-tree-shear" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">tree shear</a>.
Read on for more information, and remember, you can always call us directly for more information!

Tree taken off the ground using the Blue Diamond tree puller attachment

What is a skid steer tree puller?

A skid steer <a href="https://skidsteersdirect.com/blogs/news/best-skid-steer-tree-puller" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">tree puller attachment</a> is large hydraulic clamp like attachment that is used to pull up small trees and shrubs with their roots in tact for relocation.
Tree puller attachments will use one hydraulic cylinder on one side of the clamp and the other side will be fixed in place. Your skid steers auxiliary hydraulic system will operate the cylinder.
The clamp its self is serrated to ensure a tight grip around the tree or shrub you are pulling up.

What are the advantageous to using a skid steer tree puller?

Berlon Industries Tree Puller attachment for sale

Being able to grab a tree or shrub from the base and pull it out of the ground along with a section of the roots solves the problem of having to remove stumps afterwards.
Leaving a stump behind can be problematic. Not only can it be hazard it also invites pests and fungus. You also may be breaking new land for agriculture where leaving a stump behind reduces the area that can be cultivated.
A tree puller also doesn’t create a large mess like a chain saw. Of course a tree puller will bring up some dirt with it, but the roots can be shaken out in place to remove the bulk of dirt.
Lastly, a tree puller is considered safer than a chain saw by many of its users. Where a chain saw can cause accidental damage when a tree falls the wrong direction, a tree puller removes that risk by picking the tree straight up and carrying it away all in one move.